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The difference between ultrapure water equipment for chemical industry in pharma

分類:Common Problem 時間:2020-12-07 09:29:43

The pure water used in the chemical industry in the pharmaceutical factory has relatively stricter and higher water quality requirements. It is often required that the resistance value of ultrapure water should be higher than 15 trillion. In order to ensure the safety of ultrapure water for medical use, the entire system of ultrapure water treatment equipment is also made of all stainless steel materials, and sterilization devices must be equipped before the water point. Based on the characteristics of ultra-pure water used in the entire pharmaceutical industry, our company adopts the latest technologies such as reverse osmosis and EDI to meet the different requirements of different users for high-purity water, and designs a complete set of high-purity water treatment processes in a targeted manner to meet the needs of pharmaceutical factories and hospitals. The water requirements for the production of purified water and the production of large infusion solutions. Medical and biological products are mainly used for preparation, liquid preparation and washing. Its characteristic is that in addition to certain requirements for salt content, iron, and manganese, it has extremely high requirements for the removal of bacteria and pyrogens. Especially for medical water for injection, in addition to removing impurities and ions in the water, membranes are also required. Method or multi-effect distillation method to remove the original bacteria and pyrogen to meet the requirements of the Pharmacopoeia.
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